Medium-term business plan

We promote a medium-term business plan, “ENEX2030” covering the eight years from FY2023 to FY2030.

Overview of medium-term business plan

1. Overview of the Medium-Term Business Plan (2023-2030)

The new medium-term business plan covers an eight-year period, during which the Group will further enhance its customer base and improve earnings capabilities in existing businesses by bolstering on-site capacity, while accelerating investment with new and strategic investments of 210 billion yen. During the 2 year from FY2023 to FY2024, the Group will develop a framework for achieving its growth strategies by strengthening onsite capabilities and revenue base.

1) Name of plan and quantitative targets

2) Desired direction

(i) Strengthening onsite capabilities
     ・Enhancing the customer base and improving earnings capabilities in existing business
     ・Improving Group communication, building comprehensive strength, strengthening on-site capabilities
(ii) Accelerating investment
     ・Accelerating investment by developing a framework for promoting investment
     ・Making new and strategic investment of 210.0 billion yen

3) Management targets:

3.Shareholder returns

In order to maintain sustainable management growth, Enex will continue its policy of continuous stable dividends as a means of returning profits to shareholders, and will pay progressive dividends during the period of the Medium-Term Management Plan (two years from FY2023 to FY2024) with a strong emphasis on a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 40% or more.

*All the numerical values in this page are based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
*We decided to finalize details of our Medium-term Business Plan “SHIFT!2022” on May 14, 2021.
*For more details, please refer to the PDF document below.