IR Basic Policy

Based on the corporate philosophy, the Employee Code of Conduct, the Declaration of the Employee Code of Conduct and the spirit of the Corporate Governance Code of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Company has set its IR Basic Policy in an effort to establish fair and good relationships with all stakeholders and ensure a fair market evaluation and to achieve a continuous improvement of the corporate value, while pursuing proactive investor relations activities on the principle of “timeliness,” “fairness,” “accuracy,” “clarity” and “continuity.”

Information disclosure covered by this policy

This policy covers information disclosure and dialogues conducted by the following means:

Statutory disclosure

Disclosure under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
securities reports, quarterly reports, internal control reports, extraordinary reports, etc.

Disclosure under the Companies Act
business reports, financial statements and consolidated financial statements, etc.

Disclosure required by the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Timely disclosure information
Decisions, events and other information required by the Tokyo Stock Exchange to be timely disclosed.

Disclosure of corporate governance reports and others

Other information disclosure

The Company also endeavors to ensure that information not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is made available appropriately to all stakeholders including general investors.

Information voluntarily disclosed

IR-related publications
reports for shareholders, integrated reports, English annual reports, etc.

IR-related disclosure documents
documents for financial results presentation meetings, fact books, etc.

Method of information disclosure

The Company discloses information covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules, using the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) in accordance with the rules, as well as on the Company’s website. When disclosing information not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company endeavors to ensure that it is made available appropriately to general investors and shareholders in keeping with the spirit of the rules.

Disclosure Committee

The Company has a Disclosure Committee for the purpose of contributing to appropriate and flexible decision-making by the Board of Directors and Management Advisory Conference, exhaustively and swiftly collecting important company information in the Group, and discussing the necessity of disclosure and the accuracy, clarity, sufficiency, fairness and willingness of the content to release necessary information.

  • The Disclosure Committee acts as an advisory body to the Board of Directors and Management Advisory Conference on disclosure issues.
  • COO for Corporate Administration Division serves as the chairperson of the committee.
  • CFO serves as the information handling officer.
  • The Investor Relations & Planning Section , Finance & General Accounting Department acts as the committee’s administrative office for practical tasks for disclosure.

Dialogues with shareholders and investors

When disclosing information to and having dialogues with shareholders, investors and others, the Company complies with relevant laws, regulations and rules and values two-way communications through dialogues, making efforts to explain its financial conditions, management policy and other information timely, fairly, accurately, clearly and continuously. Feedback from stakeholders including requests and opinions is provided to the management.
For dialogues, the President, the officer who is responsible for the Investigation & Public Relations Department (CIO and CFO), Directors or top executives seek to engage in each dialogue to a reasonable extent, in close cooperation with relevant departments with the Investor Relations & Planning Section , Finance & General Accounting Department acting as the administrative office.

Major activities

  • Hold a financial results presentation meeting for analysts and institutional investors semi-annually (for results in the second quarter and the full year)
  • Perform an individual interview with institutional investors
  • Enhance contents for investors on the website

Handling of insider information in dialogues, etc. with shareholders, investors and others

As its policy, the Company does not communicate information to any third party until it is officially disclosed. When a dialogue is conducted with investors in an individual interview and other situations, two or more people attend and all possible measures are taken to ensure that information is handled appropriately.

Quiet period

The Company has a “quite period” for a fixed period from the day after the final day of each fiscal quarter to the announcement date for financial results and does not provide any comment and explanation on financial results and business outlook in this period.

Understanding of shareholder structure

The Company obtains the list of shareholders from the administrator of the list and information on substantial shareholders from a research company, and figures out and analyzes the shareholder structure to make use of such data for IR and SR activities.
