Social Recognition

Health & Productivity Management(Japanese page only)

The Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program recognizes large enterprises, SMEs and other organizations engaging in particularly outstanding efforts in health and productivity management, based on initiatives for overcoming health-related challenges in local communities, or for promoting health-conscious activities led by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi. Since November 2016, we have been promoting the Enex Early Bird working style reforms. In 2024, we ware recognized as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization.

The Cancer Control Promotion Company Action(Japanese page only)

Our company received the Cancer Control Promotion Partner Award in the category of balancing treatment and work at the fiscal 2020 awards for companies promoting cancer control. Since 2021, we have been recognized as a company with excellent performance in the promotion of cancer prevention and mitigation every year. Our efforts to enhance our support systems and programs for balancing treatment and work, allowing employees to play an active role with peace of mind even in the face of cancer and illness, have been highly appreciated.

Kurumin(Japanese page only)

Based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare certifies companies as child-rearing support companies once they meet certain criteria, among companies that have formulated a general business operator action plan. Our company is expanding our system to support the balance between work and various life events, such as childbirth, childcare, and family care, and we are enhancing systems that exceed the statutory requirements,shorter working hours, as well as various types of special leave.

Eruboshi(Japanese page only)

The “Eruboshi certification” is awarded by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare to employers who have formulated and registered a General Employer Action Plan in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life and who satisfy certain requirements. The certification is given to recognize their outstanding contribution to the empowerment of female employees.
The ultimate aim is to create working environments that meet the needs of female employees who wish to fully manifest their potential at the workplace.
There are five categories in total. ITOCHU ENEX has satisfied the criteria in four categories: continued employment, working style including work hours, proportion of women in management positions and diversity of career courses, earning Certification Level 2.

Sports Promotion Company(Japanese page only)

Since FY2015,the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has certified companies that promote sports activities for employees and companies that are engaged in social contribution activities in the sports field as Sports Promotion Companies.

Sports Yell Company

A program under which the Japan Sports Agency grants Sports Yell Company certification to companies that promote the health of their employees by actively encouraging participation in sport. ITOCHU ENEX received the Sports Yell Company 2023 Bronze award in recognition of its ongoing involvement in the program for over five years. A greater emphasis on employees' health is a key aspect of our workstyle reforms. To this end, we offer our employees incentives to engage in sporting activities, for example by subsidizing the cost of sports club operations or entry fees to walking events.


FTSE Russell confirms that ITOCHU ENEX CO.,LTD. has been independently assessed according to the index criteria, and has satisfied the requirements to become a constituent of the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index in June 2023. The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products.

FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is designed to measure the performance of Japanese companies that demonstrate strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. The index uses FTSE Russell's ESG Ratings data model, which draws on existing international ESG standards and is adopted by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) of Japan as a core ESG benchmark for its passive investments.

Inclusion in S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index (Japanese page only)

The S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index is a global environmental stock index adopted by Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF). Using TOPIX as the universe, this index of S&P Dow Jones Indices, the world's leading independent index provider, overweights companies that have high carbon efficiency within their industry as calculated by Trucost on a market value basis and companies that disclose information on greenhouse gas emissions.(Included since 2018)

MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index

The MSCI Japan Select Leaders Index is an ESG index that targets 50% of the market capitalization of each GICS® [1] industry category in the index from among the constituent stocks of the index (MSCI Japan IMI Top 700 Index: Top 700 stocks by market capitalization). It is constructed by selecting companies with excellent evaluations and is a representative ESG index adopted by Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), one of the world's largest institutional investors.((Included since 2023)


ITOCHU ENEX received the highest MSCI ESG rating of "AAA" in December 2023. MSCI Inc. is a U.S.-based financial service provider that offers institutional investors around the world, such as large-scale public pensions including Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), fund management firms and hedge funds, a wide variety of tools that help them make investment decisions. It assigns seven-level ratings from AAA to CCC to companies by their ESG risk levels and by the level of appropriateness in controlling these risks.


Nikkei SDGs Management Survey(Japanese page only)

Nikkei SDGs Management Survey evaluates and rates companies' initiatives regarding the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The evaluation is based on a total score divided into four fields: SDG strategy and economic value, social value, environmental value, and governance. In the fifth survey conducted in the current fiscal year, 899 Japanese companies, including listed companies, participated, and ITOCHU ENEX was awarded 3 stars in the overall ranking. At the ITOCHU ENEX Group, we will continue to engage in business activities that create and provide diverse value, as well as in social contribution activities, to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.

 NIKKEI Smart Work Management Survey(Japanese page only)

This program was launched in 2017 by Nikkeisya, Inc. to rate companies in terms of Smart Work management, which is a management strategy of ensuring diverse and flexible work styles to make the most of the workforce and establish a virtuous circle of continuously generating innovation and cultivating new markets to maximize productivity and the performance of the organization. The evaluation is based on survey results and other data in three key corporate capabilities, namely personnel utilization, innovation and market cultivation. We received 3 stars in 2023. With a focus on our Enex Early Bird initiative for work-style reform, we will improve personnel programs to build a worker-friendly culture.


The index is calculated jointly by JPX Market Innovation & Research (Japan Exchange Group) and Nikkei Inc. and selects stocks that meet the requirements of global investment standards, such as efficient use of capital and investor-oriented management perspectives, and that are highly attractive for investors to invest in. ITOCHU ENEX has been selected as a constituent stock for two consecutive years since FY2023.

Japanese Companies' Website Ranking(Japanese page only)

The ranking is created by survey and selection of sites from among all 3,970 listed companies in Japan based on 164 objective evaluation criteria set from three viewpoints: ease of understanding, ease of use, and quantity of information; to what extent they are equipped with elements that enable company stakeholders to acquire information and understand the company's current situation.
Our website was selected as one of the best sites, first in FY2019, and now for the fifth successive year.

GOMEZ IR Site Ranking (Japanese page only)

The ranking reflects the results of a survey of the websites of 3,832 Japanese listed companies according to 234 items in four categories: website usability, enhancements in financial and business performance information, enhancements in company and management information, and willingness and innovativeness in information disclosures.
In 2023, ITOCHU ENEX received the Bronze Award. By category, ITOCHU ENEX was particularly highly evaluated for “willingness and innovativeness in information disclosures,” ranking 20th out of 3,832 companies and 3rd out of 31 companies by sector (wholesale trade).

ISO 14001

ISO14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems. It outlines an organizational framework for protecting the environment and responding to environmental changes, while at the same time maintaining a balance with socioeconomic needs.
Our Group has constructed an environmental management system based on ISO14001 and has established a functional environmental management system. In addition, we have clarified environmental improvement activities and formulated an environmental improvement plan.

This is MECENAT(Japanese page only)

"This is MECENAT" is a certification system which is launched in 2014 and is operated by the Association for Corporate Support of the Arts. It aims to identify creative activities carried out around Japan and to convey their social significance and presence, through a system that reveals diverse mécénat (corporate social contributions through support for artistic and cultural activities). “Enjoy the Power of Language” that we host and operate was selected for a "This is MECENAT2023"-certified activity continuously from 2021.

Click here to know more about “Enjoy the Power of Language.”

Resilience Certification(Japanese page only)

The system certifies organizations that contribute to national resilience from the perspective of promoting the improvement of resilience of society as a whole. The purpose of the system is to certify organizations that are actively working to enhance their business continuity, promoting the resilience across a broad swath of society as a whole, and striving to spread those efforts.
To enable the Group to fulfill its responsibilities as "the best partner for life and society," we have put in place a business continuity plans (BCPs) that ensures the safety of the lives and equipment of our employees and business partners in the event of a large-scale disaster, and enables business operations to be resumed as soon as possible thereafter. In recognition of these efforts, we obtained "Resilience Certification" in fiscal 2021.