Promoting the Electronic Exercise of Voting Rights, ITOCHU ENEX Contributed to the Project for the Renewal of a Town as a Habitat for Japanese Cranes in Naganuma-cho
Promoting the Electronic Exercise of Voting Rights, ITOCHU ENEX Contributed to the Project for the Renewal of a Town as a Habitat for Japanese Cranes in Naganuma-cho
ITOCHU ENEX CO.,LTD. (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Kenji Okada, Representative Director, President and CEO) announced today that it donated 100 yen per shareholder who exercised their voting rights by an electronic method such as the internet concerning the propositions on the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders in 2022 to the project for the Renewal of a Town as a Habitat for Japanese Cranes in Naganuma-cho.
Thanks to the cooperation of 5,406 shareholders, we donated 540,600 yen in 2022. (2021: 3,478 shareholders and 347,800 yen)
Conventionally, we have prepared three methods of voting: mailing the postcard (ballot form), using the internet or other electronic means, and attending the meeting. Last year, we decided to contribute part of the mailing and service charge costs saved by our shareholders exercising their voting rights electronically instead of mailing in their postcard to the Renewal of a Town as a Habitat for Japanese Cranes in Naganuma-cho, Hokkaido. Since then, we have called on our shareholders to exercise their voting rights electronically with the goal of preserving the rich natural environment. Electronically exercising voting rights in advance is also useful for streamlining the delivery and counting of voting ballots, decreasing the number of invalid votes, and preventing COVID-19 infections.
The number of Japanese cranes has been declining due to land reclamation and overhunting. For the preservation of this endangered species, Naganuma-cho is earnestly renewing the town to establish an environment that lovingly accepts and watches over Japanese cranes. We support Naganuma-cho's initiative to pass down a sustainable society to the future in line with the Basic Policy for the Itochu Enex Group’s social contribution activities under the theme of developing environments, developing human resources and communication to foster the next generation. We will continue this support for the following years to contribute to the conservation of a sustainable global environment and the prosperous lives of people through our business by continuing to be committed to these issues as the best partner for life and society.
Donation list presentation ceremony (July 19, 2022, at Naganuma Town Hall, Hokkaido)
Left: Kimiaki Yonezawa, Executive Officer, ITOCHU ENEX CO., LTD., President, and Chief Executive Officer, ITOCHU ENEX HOME-LIFE HOKKAIDO CO., LTD.
Middle: Yoshihiko Saito, Town Mayor, Naganuma Town, Right: Motoki Sato, General Manager, North Japan Sales Department, ITOCHU ENEX CO., LTD.
ITOCHU ENEX is a supporter of the Renewal of a Town as a Habitat for Japanese Cranes.
Reference: Initiatives to increase communication with our shareholders
We have introduced measures to improve the convenience of the environment for our shareholders to exercise their voting rights, which includes "smart voting" which enables easy access to the voting website by reading the QR code shown on the voting form, "smart convocation" which enables shareholders to view the convocation notice and exercise their voting rights on a smartphone, and the introduction of a "platform for electronically exercising voting rights," in addition to the usual electronic voting system. Since last year, we have distributed a video of the General Meeting of Shareholders after the event to further increase communication with our shareholders.