ITOCHU ENEX Announces Completion of New Plant Manufacturing AdBlue®, High-Grade Aqueous Urea Solution, in Okayama — The Group’s second in-house manufacturing plant and first in West Japan will begin operating —

Nov. 20, 2023
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ITOCHU ENEX Announces Completion of New Plant Manufacturing AdBlue®, High-Grade Aqueous Urea Solution, in Okayama — The Group’s second in-house manufacturing plant and first in West Japan will begin operating —

ITOCHU ENEX CO.,LTD. (Headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Tomofumi Yoshida, Representative Director, President and CEO; hereinafter “ITOCHU ENEX”) announces that the Group’s second AdBlue®*1 (hereinafter, “AdBlue”) manufacturing plant and its first in West Japan was constructed in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, and a completion ceremony was held on November 20. The product will begin shipping in December.

AdBlue is high-grade aqueous urea solution that effectively breaks down nitrogen oxides (NOx), toxic gases contained in diesel vehicle exhaust, into harmless substances. Since exhaust emission regulations were imposed by the Ministry of the Environment in Japan, every year there have been more diesel vehicles equipped with urea selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems*2 which require the use of AdBlue, and the demand for AdBlue has continued to grow accordingly.

ITOCHU ENEX Group has been strengthening its sales of AdBlue while expanding its delivery network nationwide, and in 2021, it entered the manufacturing domain by constructing the Group’s first AdBlue manufacturing plant in Saitama. The newly constructed AdBlue manufacturing facility takes advantages of its location in Okayama Prefecture. It is also looking to strengthen sales of AUS40 for ships, where demand is expected to grow in the future. ITOCHU ENEX has been working to ensure a stable supply of AdBlue in eastern Japan while thoroughly controlling AdBlue production. ITOCHU ENEX Group aims to build a strong AdBlue supply system in western Japan as well by utilizing its accumulated expertise.

ITOCHU ENEX laid out its policy of “strengthening onsite capabilities” in its Medium-Term Business Plan, ENEX2030, and this initiative conforms to that policy. Through this initiative, ITOCHU ENEX will continue to contribute to the reduction of environmental load and the improvement of business continuity in the transportation industry while further stabilizing the AdBlue supply nationwide.

*1 AdBlue® is a registered trademark of Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA). For more information about its AdBlue business, please click here.
*2 A system that breaks down nitrogen oxides (NOx) contained in exhaust gases into harmless substances by spraying AdBlue into the exhaust gasses.

[Facility overview]

Facility name ITOCHU ENEX CO.,LTD. Okayama AdBlue Plant
Location 539-1 Fukue, Kurashiki, Okayama
Production capacity 2,000 kL/month

[Contact information for this release]
Corporate Planning Office, Corporate Communications Department
Tel: +81-3-4233-8003

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