Basic Policy for Human Capital

Approaches and initiatives for human capital and diversity

Basic Policy

The ITOCHU ENEX Group considers its people to be its greatest asset. Human resources are at the center of the Group’s value creation and are the driving force for sustained growth and enhanced corporate value.
We respect diverse values and are focusing on the following human resources strategy, with the aim of becoming a group that provides a satisfying work environment in which all employees can thrive.

1) Cultivate a rewarding work environment in which each member can contribute in his/her respective positions toward shared goals.
2) Secure and provide opportunities for diverse human resources to be active, regardless of nationality, gender, age, etc.
3) Establish and promote human resources cultivation plans under which the personality and roles of every employee are respected.


Improvement of in-house environment

The ITOCHU ENEX Group respects diversity and strives to create a workplace that enables each employee to fully demonstrate and leverage his/her individual strengths. We aim to become a group that can provide a fulfilling work environment in which all employees can thrive.
Launched in 2016, Enex Early Bird set targets that included prohibiting overtime work after 20:00 as a rule, achieving an annual paid leave utilization rate of no less than 80%, and improving communications. This has been progressing toward “a company one can talk about to his/her family and society with pride” and “creating a work environment in which one can continue working with an attitude of mutual compassion” and has been contributing to increased employee autonomy.

Promotion of diversity

To achieve sustained growth, the ITOCHU ENEX Group issued the Diversity Statement (2021) under which any discrimination is prohibited, and employees’ personalities, diversity, values and human rights are respected.
We are actively seeking to secure diverse human resources, regardless of nationality and gender, promoting young employees to managerial positions, and developing a work environment that ensures each individual can maximize his/her potential.
We will continue to pursue initiatives that inspire each employee to recognize individuality and drive further transformations in our business.

Human resources development

Correspondence education, with a selection of more than 100 courses available

We have established a number of education systems for new employees, core employees and executives, including training development tailored to their specific roles and correspondence education to encourage self-motivated learning.
Going forward, we will work to improve training for technical and human skills in order to seriously support employees who hope to grow with the willingness to take on challenges. In this manner, we will pursue individual strengths and enhance the value of our human resources, thereby contributing to corporate growth.
Moreover, we started to establish recreation & training facilities in FY2023, as part of our efforts to nurture a sense of unity across the ITOCHU ENEX Group.

Our training system chart for FY2023 (as of April 2023)

We implement systematic skill development programs in order to nurture multi-talented employees who can play an active role in Japan and overseas. This is a career development, education, and training system in which all employees do not follow the same path, but rather learn while looking at themselves so that each individual can carve out his or her own path.

Metrics and Targets

In accordance with its basic policy, the ITOCHU ENEX Group uses the following metrics to measure the progress of initiatives to become a group with diverse human resources, where everyone can thrive and enjoy working.

Disclosure item
Human resources mobility
New recruits
Ratio of females in managerial positions
Work environment
Paid leave utilization rate

*The above indicates actual results related to the human capital of the ITOCHU ENEX Group.
*The number of recruits is the sum of new graduates hired and mid-career recruits.
*The target ratios of females in managerial positions in the ITOCHU ENEX Group are 10% in 2030 and 30% in 2035.
*The target for annual paid leave utilization rate in the ITOCHU ENEX Group is no less than 80% every year.