Environmental Data and Environmental Business

● Environmental Data

・ Changes and progress in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by energy type

(Unit: thousand t-CO2e)
 Energy type FY2018
(Reference year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Scope1 Kerosene 1 1 1 0 1 1
Diesel oil 2 2 2 2 2 2
Gasoline 3 3 4 4 4 4
Heavy oil 30 31 26 24 28 32
Coal 760 716 742 664 432 411
GTL - - 0 1 1 -
LP Gas 2 2 2 2 2 6
City gas 20 17 57 29 35 18
Scope1 total 818 771 833 728 505 474*
Scope2 Heat 0 - 0 0 0 0
Electricity 78 77 65 67 63 60
Non-fossil certificate - - - △0 △0 △0
Use of in-house power generation △3 △3 △2 △2 △1 △1
Scope2 total 76 75 63 65 62 59*
Scope1-2 total 894 846 896 793 566 533*
FY2030 emissions target 447
Reduction rate for FY2030 target 81%

  • In calculating GHG emissions, our Group refers to ITOCHU ENEX CO.,LTD. and consolidated subsidiaries (for Scope 1 and 2, companies with 10 or fewer employees are excluded).
  • GHG emissions are calculated using the GHG protocol developed by WRI (World Resources Institute) and WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development).
  • Energy-derived CO2 is included in the alculation of GHG emissions.
  • Fractions less than 1,000 t-CO2e are rounded off.
  • Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability Co., Ltd. undertook an assurance engagement of data indicated with * .
  • Deloitte Tohmatsu Sustainability Co., Ltd. undertook an assurance engagement of data in FY2018 (reference year).

・ Changes in Scope 3 emissions by category

(Unit: thousand t-CO2e)
Category FY2018 (Reference year) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Scope3 Category 1 CO2 emitted during the mining, importing, and refining stages of fuels sold by the Group 4,252 3,976 3,400 3,282 3,487 3,273
Category 3 CO2 emitted during the fuel procurement process for our power plants 128 113 95 76 53 27
Category 4 CO2 emitted when driving our chartered trucks 107 103 99 98 103 100
Category 6 and 7 CO2 emitted during business trips and commuting by employees 2 2 2 2 2 2
Category 11 CO2 emitted during the use stage of sold gasoline,etc. 18,834 18,033 17,383 17,195 17,961 17,616
Scope3 total 23,324 22,227 20,979 20,653 21,607 21,018

  • The scope of Scope 3 calculations is limited to categories that have a large impact on our businesses.

・ Other Environmental Data (Changes in water, waste and air pollutants)

Classification Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Water amount used
(water use/groundwater use)
thousand ㎥ 5,123 6,259
Waste water
(sewerage/ocean discharge)
thousand ㎥ 2,561 2,658
Normal waste
(amount of recycled)
t 1,196
Industrial waste
(recycled/Hazardous waste)
t 40,514
NOx (Nitrogen oxides) t 968 618 606
SOx (Sulfur oxides) t 182 212 164
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) t - 39 46

  • In Other environmental data calculations, our Group refers to ITOCHU ENEX CO.,LTD. and consolidatedsubsidiaries (companies with 10 or fewer employees are excluded).
  • For items for which data was not collected in fiscal year 2021, the figures are indicated with 「ー」.


● Independent Assurance

GHG Emissions Scope 1 Total, Scope 2 Total, and Scope 1+2 Total for ENEX Group have received third-party assurance for the fiscal years "2018 (Base Year)", "2022", and "2023".

● Environmental Business

・ Home-Life Division

■ Double Power Generation

Double power generation is a next-generation system that combines both solar power generation and ENEFARM systems, which enable electricity to be generated in the same place as it is used.
For details, please refer to"Double Power Generation."

■ Smart Star: Next-Generation Energy Storage System

Smart Star is a next-generation energy storage system using AI. It stores clean electricity generated by solar panels to provide a backup supply of electricity for the entire household using a large storage capacity lithium ion storage cell. 
For details, please refer to "Next-Generation Energy Storage System"

■ Carbon Offset LP Gas

Carbon offset of GHG emitted during the production, transportation and use of LP gas
For details, please refer to "Carbon Offset LP Gas"

・ Car-Life Division

■ Electric Vehicles Sales

 Nissan Osaka Sales Co., Ltd., a company of the ITOCHU ENEX Group, encourages the sale of zero-emission electric vehicles which emit no CO2 or exhaust gases while running. EV chargers have been installed at 79 stores and the car sharing service that enables users to easily experience the reassuring technologies of EVs is offered at 14 shops, contributing to the popularization of EVs.

・ Industrial Business Division

■ Sale of High-Grade Urea Solution AdBlue®

As part of our efforts to address environmental issues, we sell AdBlue®, which breaks down and detoxifies diesel vehicle exhaust, to customers throughout Japan. AdBlue® is a global standard high-grade urea solution used in selective catalytic reaction (SCR) systems. AdBlue®, which uses the reducing properties of ammonia, is sprayed into the exhaust stream of diesel vehicles and breaks down NOx into harmless nitrogen and water. * Registered trademark of Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.(VDA)
For details, please refer to "High-Grade Urea Solution AdBlue®"

■ Sale of GTL Fuel

GTL Fuel is a replacement fuel for diesel. Being derived from natural gas, it is a cleaner than diesel fuel with reduced environmental impact. With properties equivalent to oilderived products, it emits approximately 8.5% less CO2 than diesel fuel. 
For details, please refer to "GTL Fuel"

■ Sale of Renewable Diesel

Renewable diesel is manufactured using raw materials such as used cooking oil, waste animal fats, etc. that do not compete with food products. It achieves up to 90% reduction in GHG emissions over the fuel’s life cycle compared to fossil diesel. Renewable diesel is a next-generation biofuel as a type of HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil).
For details, please refer to "Renewable Diesel"

■ Carbon Neutral Fuel Card Service

A fueling card service for corporate clients that provides carbon offsets based on carbon credits.
For details, please refer to "Commencement of the Carbon Neutral Fuel Card Service"

・ Power & Utility Division

■ Renewable Energy Businesses

The Enex Group is focused on expanding power generation facilities using renewable energy and owns power generation facilities primarily centered around hydroelectric and solar power.
For details, please refer to
"Renewable Energy Businesses(solar power)" or "Joetsu Energy Service (Hydropower) "

■ District Heating & Cooling Business

Through Tokyo Toshi Service Co., Ltd., a member of the ENEX Group, we operate a district heating and cooling business, delivering cold water for cooling and warm water for heating to multiple buildings. This service is integrated with urban development to propose efficient energy usage. Additionally, we offer heat source outsourcing services that contribute to reduced initial investment, CO2 reduction, and energy savings when new air conditioning and hot water supply systems are installed or updated in buildings.
For details, please refer to "District Heating & Cooling Business"