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Environmental Management
● Policy
Environmental Policy
Under the Corporate Philosophy, “The best partner for life and society,” the Itochu Enex Group will provide “energy for all applications, whether as a key component of social infrastructure or as a means of enriching people’s lives,” and will continue with the following activities toward the goal of preserving and improving the environment and achieving harmonious coexistence with the global environment and society.
①Promoting the advanced use of fossil fuels
②Expanding the energy solutions business
③Implementing environmental and social contribution activities
2. Reducing the Environmental Impact of Our Business Activities
①Routine energy and resource conservation in office work
②Energy efficiency in facilities use
③CO2 reductions at the transportation stage
3. Preserving Local Environments
①Compliance with laws and regulations, environmental protocols, and independent standards
②Safety enhancements and upgrades
Tomofumi Yoshida
President and Chief Executive Officer
To ensure that each and every employee is always aware of our environmental policy, we post it on our in-house portal site.
● ISO 14001 Certification of ITOCHU ENEX Group
Our company has continually acquired ISO 14001 certification since 2000. Utilizing our Group-wide environmental management organization, we have constructed a functional environmental management system and engage in a PDCA cycle-driven set of highly effective activities for reducing our environmental impact.
・ ISO 14001 Certification Status
ISO 14001 Certification of the ITOCHU ENEX Group |
*ITOCHU ENEX HOME-LIFE HOKKAIDO CO.,LTD., ITOCHU ENEX HOME-LIFE TOHOKU CO.,LTD., ITOCHU ENEX HOME-LIFE NISHI-NIHON CO.,LTD., and ITOCHU ENEX HOME-LIFE SHIKOKU CO.,LTD. were integrated into ITOCHU ENEX HOME-LIFE CO., LTD. as of October 1, 2024. However, the company names are listed as of August 2024 when the most recent certification audit was conducted.
・ Environmental Management Organization
Environmental Management Organization
ITOCHU ENEX is engaged in environmental improvement activities through an environmental management organization comprising 1 company with 4 divisions (with the corporate division counted as one of the divisions) and 9 group companies.
・ External Review
ITOCHU ENEX undergo an ISO14001 certification review every year by Japan Audit and certification organization for environment and quality (JACO). We underwent the maintenance audit recently in August 2024. The latest registration certificate is valid until September 1st, 2027.
・ Internal Audits
In accordance with ISO 14001 environmental management rules, internal audits are conducted annually, and in FY2024, they were carried out at 18 Enex Group business sites. The internal audit team, comprising members from the Sustainability Section and Corporate Administration Division, focuses on confirming the progress and compliance of eco-office activities.
● Initiatives Within the Group
・ Green Purchasing
To encourage green purchasing, we have implemented the practice of labeling environmentally friendly products with the "Environmentally-friendly Product" mark on our intranet purchasing website when buying stationery and office supplies for internal use.