Health and Safety in the workplace

To make Itochu Enex a better company, a rewarding place to work, and a company that we are able to boast about to our families and society

At the Itochu Enex Group, we are creating work environments in which employees can maintain and improve their health and work with peace of mind. We are also promoting Health and Productivity Management so that every employee can work with enthusiasm, motivation, and a sense of fulfillment.

Commitment to Health and Productivity Management

At the Itochu Enex Group, we have been pursuing services and businesses that customers need, and working for the sustainable development of society in accordance with our Corporate Philosophy, “The best partner for life and society— with Energy, with the Car, with the Home.”We will work in close partnership with customers to create value, just as we have always done.We believe this will be driven by the sound physical and mental health of our employees.To enable all employees to fully demonstrate their abilities and individuality, and to continue contributing as the best partner for life and society, we will strive to maintain and improve the health of our employees and their families, and to be a company where employees can work with vitality and peace of mind.

April, 2024
Tomofumi Yoshida
Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer

Group Code of Conduct (Relationship with Employees)

We consider the health and safety of all employees with whom we are involved, and duly strive to create a safe and comfortable workplace environment for them.
*Excerpt taken from the Itochu Enex Group Code of Conduct
(All officers and employees check the Group Code of Conduct every year, and make a commitment to all of the Group’s stakeholders.) Full text of the Itochu Enex Group Code of Conduct

Enex Early Bird Working Style Reform Plan

Through the Enex Early Bird working style reform plan, the Itochu Enex Group is promoting employee helath and respecting each employee’s lifestyle by creating an organization in which diverse human resources can utilize their abilities and perform to their potential. Through this scheme, we aim to make Itochu Enex a better company, a rewarding place to work, and a company to be proud of with regard to families and society, for every employee.

【Approach and KPIs】
1.Encouraged a shift from late-night to morning-based work
2.Meals,etc.with customers or colleagues to end by 10:00p.m.
3.At least 80% of paid vacation days taken
4.At least 80% of employees with a BMI of less than 25
5.At least 80% of employees being nonsmokers
6.Improve quality of communication by two rankings
7.Improve quality of meetings by two rankings
8.Improve quality of documents and materials by two rankings

Implementation framework

The ITOCHU ENEX Group believes that ensuring that its employees maintain good physical and mental health can drive its social contribution as the best partner for life and society, which is the group's management philosophy. We engage in health and productivity management as an important business challenge under the workstyle reform "ENEX EARLY BIRD."
The Chief Operating Officer of Corporate Administration Division and the General Manager of Human Resources & General Affairs Department are responsible for promoting good health. The related departments and the persons in charge work together to operate the PDCA cycle for health and productivity management with the following framework.
The results of health and productivity management reviews throughout the year are reported to a meeting of the Board of Directors. The framework aims to ensure a health-conscious corporate culture while increasing its ability to serve as a model.

At a monthly Health Committee meeting at head office chaired by the General Manager of Human Resources & General Affairs Department, participants consult on and provide information with respect to improve employee health and create a safer and more hygienic environment. In addition, Health Promotion Managers regularly gather from different areas to hold general meetings to raise awareness of health and improve productivity throughout the company. The committee proactively collaborates with the health insurance union and outside program (EAP) providers as well as with internal staff.

Approaches to health issues

We have created a health management strategy map and promote health management, staying up to date on health issues leading to solutions to management issues and specific initiatives and connections related to the enhancement of expected benefits and health maintenance.

Specific Initiatives Aimed at Promoting Employee Health

Various figures from health management initiatives

Prevention of lifestyle-related diseases
Exercise ・Providing subsidies for in-house sports clubs  (¥50,000/month)
・Subsidizing fitness club memberships
・Showing radio gymnastics videos on internal monitors
・Encouraging the use of stairs
Health literacy ・Holding lectures on health promotion at various in-house trainings
・Health seminars by experts
・Providing health information via internal portal sites and internal social media
・Installing health-related books
・Covering the cost of correspondance course tuition(including exercise courses, diet improvement   courses, etc.)
Smoking cessation ・Providing subsidies to employees receiving smoking cessation treatment
・Providing subsidies to employees receiving online smoking cessation support
・Setting the office completely non-smoking
Internal equipment ・Installing health equipment such as sphygmomanometers, body composition monitors, pull-up   machines, balance balls,etc.
・Providing free healthy drinks such as fermented milk drink, green juice, and mineral water
・Displaying calories and carbohydrates of beverages on the coffee machine
Collaboration with health insurance associations ・Specific health guidance
・Severe prevention program
・Encouraging participation in health and fitness-related events (walking event, wellbeing program,   etc.)
Initiatives to Help Employees Quit Smoking

We have been working on smoking cessation since 2016 as a priority initiative under the Enex Early Bird workstyle reform.
In 2019, we enhanced our smoking-cessation programs.
As a result, the percentage of employees that are smokers decreased 10.4 percentage points (FY2023) from the FY2016 level, indicating steady progress towards our target.

・Covering the cost of outpatient therapy to quit smoking
・Covering the cost of purchasing smoking-cessation products (nicotine gums, nicotine patches, and prescription medicines intended to assist smokers to quit smoking)
・Covering the cost of online support for quitting smoking
・Communicating information to enlighten employees about the benefits of quitting smoking (via internal portal sites, etc.)
・Taking necessary measures at all business establishments, including both indoor and outdoor spaces

Implementation of work-life balance
Leave Programs
Paid leave 20 days for all employees
*Up to 20 days can be carried over from the previous fiscal year.
*During extended leaves of absence taken due to illness, employees may use paid holidays which were unused and expired in the last two years.
Special leave leave is provided in the event of a job transfer, marriage, the death of a relative(condolence leave), the birth of a child(maternity or paternity leave), a natural disaster or other unavoidable reason, menstruation, occupational illness or injury, to take a preschool child to a hospital, vaccination, health checkup, a family member in need of nursing care or jury duty.
Refreshment leave Length differs according to the number of years of service.
Pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare leave and support programs above and beyond legal requirements
Special maternity leave   10 days
Paternity leave 5 days
Lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child \300,000  for the first child
\500,000  for the each subsequent child
Reduced working hours Until the child reaches the fifth grade of elementary school
Staggered working hours Rules for childcare leave stipulate that parenting employees may work staggered hours
Support for childcare Distribution of babysitter vouchers
Other programs
Workstyles ・Introducing programs including hourly paid leave, flexible working hours, staggered working hours, and shorter working hours
・Permitting employees to work remotely and making use of easy-to-use shared offices
・Internally announcing department rankings for the utilization of paid leave, with the goal of ensuring that employees use at least 80% of their paid leave
・Encouraging employees to take (five) consecutive holidays as a summer vacation
Welfare programs ・Recreation facilities, recreation facilities affiliated to the health insurance association
・Benefit Station
 (e.g., special subsidy for accommodation costs, theme park tickets, movie tickets, special subsidy for the use of fitness clubs,and support for daily life)
・Length-of-service award program (granting special leave and travel vouchers)
Volunteering ・Volunteer support program (also applies to employees' families)
Prevention of cancer and other diseases
 Preventioin/Early detection ・Age-appropriate health checkups/Implementation of cancer screening and follow-up guidance
・Subsidies for secondary inspection costs
・E-learning on health checkups and cancer screenings
・Subsidies for health checkups for spouses (dependents) aged 40 and over
・Joining the corporate action to combat cancer initiative
・Disseminating information on the internal SNS to improve cancer literacy
・Implementing mass vaccination against influenza
Support for balancing work and illness ・Clarifying the process and support system from treatment to return to work
・Formulating a plan that can be compatible with illness according to the medical condition, the frequency of hospital visits, and the work situation  
・Established a system that allows employees to consult with an in-house coordinator who supports balancing illness and work
・Compensation for salary during absence due to medical treatment/ Salary during leave of absence (dependent on the length of service) 
・Financial support system for balancing cancer and work/ Medical exemption system
・Paid leave (can be taken in hourly, half day, full day units)
・Shorter working hours, flextime system, staggered working hours system
・Use of unused paid leave for absences and back-up leave

Health Issues Specific to Women

The percentage of employees that are women has exceeded 20%, with increasing opportunities for them to work actively. Therefore, we believe that helping all of our employees understand women's health issues and the differences in life events attributable to gender will lead to the improvement of productivity, the development of a corporate culture that enables excellent communication, and innovation.

・Conducting training programs on women’s health issues at training sessions for management personnel
・Covering the cost of gynecological examinations
・Establishing a women’s only rest/break room(A men-only rest/break room is also available)
・Publishing a handbook to help employees balance work and childbirth/childcare
・Supporting the career development of employees on childcare leave (both men and women)
・Offering subsidies for spouses' health checkups (provided separately from the subsidies from the health insurance union) and providing information about health checkups

Mental Health Initiatives
Surveys ・Conducting stress checks 
・Conducting employee awareness surveys
Training ・Mental health training given by public health nurses
・Harassment training 
・Providing self-learning opportunities related to mental toughness
Support ・Providing support for employees with high stress levels (such as interviews with industrial doctors or public health nurses and the introduction of counseling services)
・Support provided by public health nurses and industrial counselors before, during, and after leaves of absence  
・Implementation of a program under which the employee begins working again on a trial basis and participates in a rehabilitative work program before returning to work
・Regular interviews with industrial psychiatrists at the time of and after returning to work 
Others ・Prohibiting harassment under work regulations
・Publishing harassment guidelines and power harassment guidelines and informing employees of them
・Establishing a harassment consultation office, whistleblowing office, and internal and external mental health consultation offices
Managing the Health of Employees Assigned Overseas

We make it possible for public health nurses to interview employees before they travel to foreign countries, arrange health checkups and vaccinations before leaving Japan, provide information about the medical services available in their destination countries, and support them in other ways.
While living and working overseas, employees are interviewed online by health nurses on a regular basis to confirm their health condition and to advise them on lifestyle habits, counseling, and other services.

・Various vaccinations before leaving Japan
・Using medical assistance and medical consulting intended for employees making overseas business trips and those assigned overseas
・Use of the 24-hour emergency support system
・Setting up a health consultation office (using an international toll-free phone number)
・Sharing information calling attention to overseas safety measures, measures addressing crises from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and overseas travel alerts

Preventing Infectious Diseases

At the Itochu Enex Group, we work in accordance with our Corporate Philosophy, “The best partner for life and society— with Energy, with the Car, with the Home,” and position the stable supply of energy as our mission. We regard infectious disease epidemics to be events and risks that may affect corporate operations. To ensure that we are able to continue delivering the energy needed by customers safely and reliably even during an epidemic, we conduct company-wide management with the health and safety of our employees, including infection control, as our top priority.

・Performing group influenza vaccinations within the company
・Encouraging employees to be vaccinated against rubella
・Raise awareness of infectious diseases of note via internal social media, etc.
・Formulation of a business continuity plan (BCP) related to infectious diseases.

Measures for Improving Health Literacy

Focusing on the reduction of exercise opportunities due to remote work, we have been organizing walking events for all employees, including those stationed abroad, since FY2022. These month-long events utilize a step-counting app that displays participant ranking, allowing each participant to walk at their own pace while being aware of other participants. We set an average of 8,000 steps as one target and prepared prizes for participants. Many participants said that there were positive changes to their habits due to the event and that they felt that internal communication was energized. In FY2023, we also organized various events, such as a self-conditioning seminar, the Drink Smart seminar, a physical fitness event, and a walking form measurement event, and many employees participated. During annual stress checks, a presentism survey is also conducted to measure the effectiveness of health measures and to consider measures for the future.

・Holding training programs on health and productivity management as a part of new employee training, hierarchical training, and training for managerial employees.
・Holding health events for employees (walking events, wellbeing programs, physical fitness events, walking form measurement events, etc.).
・Providing health information via internal portal sites and social media.
・Covering the cost of correspondence course tuition (including courses for people taking mental health management proficiency test, people intending to obtain dementia care qualifications, and people developing the capability to cope with stress)
・Health insurance association’s health portal site for individuals.- Providing e-learning to promote good health.
・Installing balance balls, health appliances, and books to reduce the lower back pain.
・Establishing mental health consultation desks and taking measures to prevent harassment.
・Beverages which boost immunity are provided for free.
・Installing air purifiers and humidifiers.

Initiatives to Encourage Active Communication

Emergency Lifesaving and Disaster Response

Itochu Enex engages in the following lifesaving and disaster response initiatives:
・Holding ordinary lifesaving training courses
・Displaying emergency first-aid manuals
・Providing lifesaving equipment, disaster readiness supplies/provisions and equipment, and disaster readiness (hazard and evacuation) maps
・Conducting disaster readiness and evacuation drills
・Supporting employees in obtaining disaster readiness qualifications (over 200 employees have already obtained qualifications)
・Conducting regular BCP (Business Continuity Planning) activities
・Establishing disaster-response vendors
・Satellite telephones carried by people in charge of disaster control at the head office and specific areas
・System for confirming the safety of employees
・Establishing an emergency contact network

Disaster readiness and evacuation drill