Diverse working styles

Workstyle reform

In 2016, we started workstyle reform and named this initiative “ENEX EARLY BIRD.” We aim to form a better, more rewarding company and to make the company a source of pride for both families and society.

  • Prevention of long working hours

    • Shift from evening overtime to morning overtime (Prohibited, in principle, after 8:00 p.m.; strictly prohibited after 10:00 p.m.)
    • Meals,etc. with customers or colleagues to end by 10:00 p.m.

    We are working to eliminate unnecessary overtime and reduce working hours so that our employees can maximize their performance. Dinner and drinking with customers and colleagues after 10:00 p.m. are prohibited for the same reason.


  • Promotion of employees’ health

    • At least 80% of paid vacation days taken
    • At least 80% of employees with a BMI of less than 25
    • At least 80% of employees being nonsmokers

    To improve employees’ work-life balance, we will create an environment where all staff can practice the style of “work when you work and rest when you rest.” In addition, recognizing that the health of our employees is the foundation of our business, we are actively developing health measures within the organization

  • Improving the quality of work

    • Improve the quality of meetings by 2 rankings
    • Improve the quality of documents and materials by 2 rankings
    • Improve the quality of communication by 2 rankings

    In order to improve productivity at work, we are pursuing operational excellence by encouraging paperless work and reducing the amount of meeting materials.

■Casual Day

We work every day wearing business casual rather than suits or other formal clothing.

■Communication space in our company

As part of our workstyle reform initiatives, we have in-house communication spaces at all bases nationwide to stimulate communication beyond the boundaries of business units and companies. We use them for a variety of purposes, such as relaxing with a cup of coffee, working alone, in-house events, and more.

Supporting childcare and elderly care

We have been working to improve various internal systems/rules and the environment to support employees balancing work and family without being interrupted by life events such as childcare and elderly care.

■Pregnancy, Childbirth & Childcare

■Nursing care

In order to realize employees who have family members who require nursing care and wish to continue working, we support the balance between work and home life by providing nursing care leave, leave for nursing care, and a shortened working hour system.

■Work-Family Balance Support Handbook

In order to create an environment where employees can get pregnant, give birth, and raise children without worrying while working, we issued a “Work-Family Balance Support Handbook.” This handbook summarizes relevant laws, support systems, and employees’ experiences in each stage of pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare. This will be a good reference not only for employees who are currently raising children, but also for employees who will experience childbirth and childcare in the future. The handbook will also increasing understanding by surrounding colleagues and managers.

Our Actions to Comply with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children

We develop plans of action pursuant to the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children to establish a work environment that helps employees achieve a balance between work and childcare.

Enex in Figures