Social Contribution Activities

Basic Policy

Basic Policy for the Itochu Enex Group’s social contribution activities
As “The best partner for life and society” Develop an environment, develop human resources and develop communities to be passed on to the future

  • Based on the corporate philosophy “The best partner for life and society,” we contribute to the society in business activities and as a good corporate citizen.
  • Under the theme of developing an environment, developing human resources and developing communities to foster the next generation, we carry out activities to pass down a sustainable society to the future.
  • We support social contribution activities conducted by employees as a citizen.
  • We proactively disclose details and results of our social contribution activities and share them with the society.

Preserving Environments

Renewal of a town as a habitat for Japanese cranes

We support preservation activities for Japanese cranes, a species endangered by reclamation and overhunting.
We give contributions to Naganuma, Hokkaido, which is setting up the environment that lovingly accepts and watches over Japanese cranes, renewing the town in a way that preserves its rich natural environment. We contribute part of the mailing cost and service charge saved by the electronic exercise of voting rights by our shareholders. Thanks to the cooperation by 6,141 shareholders, we donated 614,100 yen in fiscal 2023.

We co-sponsored the film, ``The Miracle Crane Dancing in Yumeno.''

The Miracle Crane Dancing in Yumeno'' is a documentary film that depicts the seven-year effort to bring back Japanese cranes, an endangered species, to the town. Japanese cranes disappeared from Naganuma Town, Hokkaido over 100 years ago. ITOCHU ENEX and ITOCHU ENEX HOME-LIFE HOKKAIDO co-sponsored the film, and call for the coexistence between nature and humans.

Forestry Preservation through Corporate Version of Hometown Tax

We donated to forest preservation projects through Corporate Version of Hometown Tax in FY2021, FY2022 and FY2023. With those donations, we cumulatively contribute about 38ha afforestation and reduction of approximately 667t-CO2 in 5 years.

Community Cleanup

At our asphalt base, we regularly carry out clean up activities around the base such as mowing the side walks and picking up trash.
We will continue to strive to protect the local environment through these activities.

Forests in Osaka Cultivated together with Children

One of our group companies, ENEX FLEET CO., LTD., is focusing on green conservation activities in the Hokusetsu area in Osaka through support for the Osaka Green Trust. In Mikusayama Zephyrus no Mori (Nose-cho) in particular they held an event to install tree name plates and trim plants while hiking with children from children's orphanages in Osaka. They are engaging in activities connecting the youngest generation to verdant nature through the children experiencing secondary forest conservation activities.

Nurturing the Next Generation

Enjoy the Power of Words ~Word and voice activities~

Since 2014, we have held "Enjoy the Power of Words" events all over Japan with the goal of supporting people’s zest for life in the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Through readings and music, we nurture the sensibilities of all generations and pass on important messages. We invite former NHK announcer Motoyo Yamane, who is also an outside director of the company and former TBS announcer Akiko Shindo to perform, and also invite a different guest each time to read aloud and enjoy a variety of music with no admission fee. At the event, we call for donations to the Fukushima Children's Fund for the Great East Japan Earthquake and other disaster relief efforts, and all proceeds are donated to the cause.
Association for Corporate Support of the Arts selected “Enjoy the Power of Language” for "This is MECENAT 2023" as an activity for promoting the creation of a rich society through arts and culture since fiscal 2021.

Dietary and fire education activities

In an activity begun in fiscal 2010, Itochu ENEX Group employees visit kindergartens, nursery schools, and childcare centers in communities all across Japan as part of the Itadakimasu Support Manifesto for Kids, a dietary education program teaching children the meaning of giving thanks at mealtimes, conveying the importance of food and diet, and fostering a sense of gratitude for the meals they enjoy every day. Since fiscal 2013, the Group has also conducted a fire education activity teaching children about the danger and importance of fire.
In FY2023, with cooperation of our group companies and dealers, we held the events to 13 childcare facilities and 539 children.

Family Day

Once a year, we hold a Family Day for our group employees to come to work with their children to give them a chance to experience the company. It is an activity that nurtures the next generation, enabling participating children to enjoy learning about the role of the company by exchanging business cards with the president and employees, touring offices and meeting rooms, and other activities.Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, we created an online tour video of the workplace for mothers and fathers and a company profile video for children, which was enjoyed by the children of employees throughout Japan.

Support for the Next-generation Sports Activities

ENEX LIFE SERVICE Co., Ltd., one of our Group companies, sponsors the J League soccer team Kawasaki Frontale and subsidizes 1% of sales of FRONTALE DENKI, which is sold to the team's supporters, to Kawasaki Frontale Academy as a special subsidy.
In addition, it held the FRONTALE DENKI Tetsuo Nakanishi Soccer Class in December 2021, contributing to both regional revitalization and the development of future generations.

Recovery support

As part of our medium- and long-term support for the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Group collects monthly donations from its employees to help with reconstruction.
The total amount of donations in fiscal 2022 was 1,068,600 yen.
(Total donations from fiscal 2011 to fiscal 2022: 34,240,400 yen)
(Donated to: Iwate no Manabi Kibo Kikin scholarship fund, Fukushima Kodomo Kifukin donations, and the Miyagi Kodomo Ikuei Shikin scholarship fund)

We are also cooperating in supporting the recovery of disaster-affected areas.
2018: Five million yen donated to support the victims of heavy rains in Western Japan
(Donation recipient: Japan Platform)
2019: Five million yen donated to support the victims of the 2019 typhoons
(Donation recipient: Japan Platform)
2020: Five million yen donated to support the victims of the torrential rain in July 2020.
(Donation recipient: Japan Platform)
2023: One million yen donated to support the victims of the earthquake in southern Turkey.
(Donation recipient: Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Japan (Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD))
2024: Three million yen donated to support the victims of the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Victim
(Donation recipient: Japan Platform)

Support for people with disabilities

We contribute to the realization of a diverse society by supporting people with disabilities.

Self-reliance and promoting art

The original calendars that we publish every year are designed by artists with disabilities who are registered with the Tokyo Colony Artbility since 2008. We also cooperate in the operation of the Artbility Grand Prix, which honors people with disabilities who are working ambitiously, to promote art for people with disabilities and support the independence of artists. 

Swan Bakery Bread Sales

The Swan Bakery was established by the Yamato Welfare Foundation to support the independence and social participation of people with disabilities.
The Swan Bakery sells freshly baked, delicious bread at the Enex headquarters once a month.

Sports activities

We support the activities of the nonprofit Yumeken, an organization that engages in sports, health activities, and interaction with people with disabilities.

Other Activities


We ITOCHU ENEX Group sponsoring several kinds of sports with the aim of spreading and disseminating sports culture and contributing to support for the future generation.

Sponsorship and participation in hunger relief events

Every year, our employees participate in Walk the World, a charity event for hunger relief in poor countries organized by the World Food Programme (WFP). The sponsorship and participation fees are used to provide school meals and improve educational opportunities in poor countries.
In 2020 and 2021, we donated to the WFP which we had planned to pay as the sponsorship even the event have been cancelled due to the COVID-19. When Walk the World had been taken place in 2022, so many of Enex group workers all around Japan and their families attended the event to support children in hunger.

Blood donation

Our employees cooperate in blood donation activities that are held twice a year at the Kasumigaseki Building in Tokyo.

Donation of emergency food stockpile

In replacing some of the emergency food stockpile for employees working at the head office, we donated some food items from among the stockpile, which would not expire for a while, to Rescue Stockyard, an NPO. The donated food items were distributed to people who have been evacuated at homes in Takeo City, Saga damaged by the August 2021 heavy rain, via an aid group in the city. They were also distributed at an exchange and consultation session that has continued to be held in Koriyama City since the Great East Japan Earthquake. We will remain highly conscious of disaster prevention and continue to help reduce food loss.

Use of left-over calendars

We do not dispose of calendars left over at the end of the year. Instead, we donate them to groups which need them, so that they will be used and so that we can contribute locally.We provide the calendars to Kiyose-shi Shakai Fukushi Kyogikai (Kiyose City social welfare council) which holds a charity event in which they offer the calendars to citizens in return for monetary donations. The funds raised through the event are used to provide emergency support for those in need, help them to be self-reliant when they leave support centers, support people with disabilities in their participation in society, take measures to prevent child poverty, and prevent children from becoming isolated, among other purposes.Money was also donated to provide learning support for households suffering from reduced income due to COVID-19, families receiving public assistance and local organizations which provide consultation and support for self-reliance.

Employee Support Program for Volunteer Activities

In order to develop human resources that contribute to society and are trusted by it, we have a system subsidizing the cost of employees and their families participating in volunteer activities as citizens. Our employees volunteer to assist in disaster recovery and tree planting activities.

Donation activities associated with employee health promotion event

As part of our work style reform, we prioritize the promotion of employee health. Starting from the fiscal year 2022, we organize an internal walking competition, and based on the average number of steps taken by participating employees, we make a donation to Gold Ribbon Network, a certified NPO that supports children with cancer. (Total number of participating employees: 646, donation amount: 380,000 yen)

Dealing with the COVID-19 coronavirus

Support for Healthcare Professionals

In collaboration with COSMOS INITIA Co., Ltd., we provided free lodging facilities to medical institutions, including those designated infectious disease facilities, in Tokyo for all working healthcare professionals.

Donations made by all board members and employees to healthcare providers

Donations were collected from employees and board members and given to the Japanese Red Cross Society and the Nursing Now Campaign, a global campaign to improve the status and performance of the nursing profession.

Nissan Osaka Sales Co., Ltd. donated electric vehicles to Osaka Prefecture

Nissan Osaka Sales Co., Ltd., a Group company that has concluded a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Osaka Prefecture, has donated an electric car to Osaka Prefecture as an official vehicle for transporting medical supplies to facilities that care for people with mild symptoms of COVID-19.

Videos from "Enjoy the Power of Words", with illustrations

In addition to donating face masks to medical facilities and nursery schools in each region, we also released videos from Enjoy the Power of Words readings and music sessions that we have hosted for parents and children at home, as we have been asked to refrain from leaving home.