Relations with Stakeholders

Stakeholder Engagement

In accordance with "Declaration of the Group Code of Conduct", the ITOCHU ENEX Group is committed to holding constructive dialogue with various stakeholders in all aspects of its business activities.

  Why we engage Stakeholders' interest How we respond
 Customers  As "the best partner for life and society" envisioned in our Corporate Philosophy. we have made it our mission to not only stably supply energy, but also promptly and attentively provide our customers with the diverse services they need. We strive to build an environment that enables our customers to rationally and confidently choose better products and services.
  • ・Stable supply systems for energy and related services
  • ・Disaster prevention ability (readiness) and maintenance of infrastructure in disasters
  • ・Supply of safe, reliable products and services
  • ・Environment enabling selection of products and services that serve the customer's needs
  • ・Commitment as a partner able to contribute to local governments and communities
  • ・Offering products and services through branches and group companies nationwide
  • ・Maintaining supply via LP gas core filling stations, disaster-response Car Life Stations (CS), etc.
  • ・Disaster response network to connect disaster-stricken areas and other areas nationwide (offering company-wide support for affected areas)
  • ・Solutions tailored to society's needs, including eco-friendly products and services
  • ・Activities such as comprehensive partnership agreements with communities and CS operation in underpopulated areas
 Business partners  We endeavor to offer better services by promoting robust dialogue with business partners, in addition to appropriately managing any information related to them and securely protecting their confidential information, We believe that such dialogue will become even more important in our Group's rapidly changing environment
  • ・Strengthening trust and partnership as a business partner
  • ・Synergy through our Group's networks and expertise
  • ・Offering products and services that meet partners' needs and sharing information
  • ・Creating opportunities for business partners to provide feedback
  • ・Situations and directions of business activities by the Group
  • ・Strategic alliances and sustained collaboration, including through comprehensive partnership agreements
  • ・Holding and operating Enex Meetings to exchange views with business partners
  • ・Holding exchange meetings, informal conferences, and product seminars in each region
  • ・Publication of informational magazines for LP gas retailers and CS business related stores
 Suppliers  We promise to ensure that our business is always carried out in a fair manner: we do business under fair and free competition; we procure fairly; we observe trading regulations and rules; and we refrain from unfair conduct. including price fixing and cartel agreements. We seek to grow together with our suppliers by maintaining and reinforcing our mutual trust.
  • ・Building trust as business partners for lasting partnership
  • ・Pursuit of mutual profit through business
  • ・Partnering to foster innovation
  • ・Promotion of eco-friendly procurement practices
  • ・Holding and participating in exchange meetings, informal conferences, and various events in each region
  • ・Sales promotion through our own campaigns and events
  • ・Regular face-to-face meetings, and discussions to explore new opportunities
  • ・Promoting use of eco-friendly products among consumers and business partners
 Local Communities  Guided by our Corporate Philosophy of being "the best partner for life and society," we strive to contribute to society as a good corporate citizen while we carry out our business. With our vision to develop the environment, people, and communities in ways that foster the next generation, we enhance communication and mutual understanding with local communities and act to pass a sustainable society on to the future.
  • ・Contributing to the development of prosperous communities; create new communities
  • ・Acting to conserve environment and protect biodiversity
  • ・Acting to foster the next generation support people with disability
  • ・Supporting each employee's activities that contribute to society
  • ・Holding business-related events such as food education, fire education, and hands-on job experiences
  • ・Actively participating in and supporting community events; holding cleanups
  • ・Activities for fostering the next generation through co-sponsored sport events (Japan Flying Disc Association, soccer and basketball teams, etc.)
  • ・Running a volunteer activity support system to develop reliable human resources who contribute to society
 Shareholders/ Inventors  We seek to receive appropriate appraisal from shareholders and investors by continuously providing and explaining the information necessary for investment decisions in a timely, fair, accurate, and dear manner. We value two-way communication and shareholders' and investors' requests and views are transmitted to the Management to improve the Group's operation.
  • ・Stable shareholders return and appropriate share valuation in stock market
  • ・Healthy financial foundation and capital efficiency
  • ・Appropriate management and corporate governance system
  • ・Corporate vision, management strategy, and medium-to long-term enhancement of corporate value
  • ・Opportunities to actively communicate with shareholders and investors (general meeting of shareholders, financial result briefing, and individual dialogue with institutional investors, etc.)
  • ・Business management emphasizing maintenance of healthy financial structure and capital efficiency
  • ・Enhanced content for investors through appropriate disclosure of information and website information, etc.
  • ・Sustainable growth based on Corporate Philosophy, such as Medium-term Business Plan, etc. 
 Employees  Since its founding in 1961, the ITOCHU ENEX Group has always considered its people to be its greatest asset. Human resources are at the center of the Group's value creation and are the driving force of sustainable growth and medium- to long-term enhancement of corporate value. Accordingly, the Group seeks to provide a pleasant and satisfying work environment for all employees.
  • ・Work environment where employees can work at ease with job satisfaction
  • ・Opportunities for self-development, skill improvement, and career formation
  • ・Maintenance and improvement of the health of employees and their families
  • ・Improving work-life balance and enabling diverse working styles
  • ・Fostering corporate culture where employees can fulfill their potentials
  • ・Promotion of Enex Early Bird (working style reforms)
  • ・Systematic training schemes, overseas training program, and graduate school admission program for working professionals
  • ・Action to improve health literacy, respond to mental health issues, and prevent harassment
  • ・Utilization of human resources and improvement of systems and in-house environment based on the Diversity Statement
  • ・Job-satisfaction surveys to gauge employees' perceptions and satisfaction views, and to solicit their opinions on programs/ systems
 Environment  As a company dealing in various forms of energy, we believe one of our most important challenges is to achieve sustainable growth through careful consideration of how to harmonize a better global environment and our lifestyles. Throughout our ongoing business activities, we consciously strive to be considerate and protective of global environment, and actively engage ourselves in environmental businesses.
  • ・Action to contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society
  • ・Reduction of our own environmental impact as a Group
  • ・Protection of the global environment; environmental management 
  • ・Identification of "addressing climate change" as an important issue and disclosure of our Action Plan
  • ・Providing various environment-related products and services, planning new areas such as alternative fuels, renewable energies, storage batteries, EV, and heat supply systems
  • ・Eco-office activities: saving energy and greener use of energy at business units
  • ・Compliance with environmental regulations and ISO standards, promoting activities on environmental protection and biodiversity conservation
 *See Declaration of the Group Code of Conduct.