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- Sustainability at the Enex Group
- Policy & Basic Approach
Policy & Basic Approach
● Sustainability Policy
Sustainability Policy
The ITOCHU ENEX Group has a mission of delivering energy and services as a "The Best Partner for Life and Society"" and will aim to improve our corporate value while contributing to the development of a rich life for people and a sustainable society.
- Contributing to a carbon neutral society through our business
- Contributing to rich communities through a stable energy supply
- Establishing a governance system stakeholders can rely on
Established in November 2021
● Sustainability Key issues (Materiality)
Based on the Sustainability Policy, we have identified sustainability key issues (Materiality). Through the activities for addressing those issues, we will contribute to development of a sustainable society and work for further improvement of our corporate value. In addition, for our activities related to the important issues, the Sustainability Committee will manage their progresses.
(1) Address climate change ~ Contributing to the realization of a carbon neutral society ~ |
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(2) Access to energy ~ Delivering the gift of energy to everyone ~ |
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(3) Utilize human resources ~ Human resources strategies for creating diverse value ~ |
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(4) Corporate Governance ~ Making transparent, viable, and fair decisions ~ |
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● Process for Determining Key Issues (Materiality)
● Action Plan for Key Issues (Initiatives)
After extracting risks and opportunities for the identified sustainability issues, we set specific action plans and goals for each business activity.
Lateron, we will accelerate the promotion of sustainability throughout the Group over the medium to long term in accordance with the PDCA cycle.
* The action plan for key issues was revised in fiscal 2023.
1.Correspondance to climate change
Risks Weakening of the existing energy businesses Reduction of demand for fossil fuels due to the regulation of businesses' greenhouse gas emissions, etc.Opportunities Expansion of the alternative fuel market and increase of sales opportunities accompanying the rising demand for alternative fuels Creation of opportunities to construct infrastructure for hydrogen and other new energies Rising demand for renewable energy and creation of new business opportunities Expansion of the market that expects that social issues will be solved through business processes - SDGs Target
* The action plan items for key issues were revised in fiscal 2023.
Sector | Commodity/business | Initiative | Target | Target Year | FY2023 Progress and Review |
Alternative fuel | Renewable diesel | Accelerating advanced use and increased use of next-generation fuel (renewable diesel (RD) and gas-to-liquids (GTL) fuel) | Promote RD sales
Short term, 2030 | RD: Although demand was increasing, results did not reach the target due to exclusion from mitigation measures.
GTL | |||||
Ammonia | Early implementation of ammonia as a marine fuel | Promote R&D to develop ammonia fuel supply locations (Japan and Singapore), the construction of a supply chain and the formulation of supply safety guidelines with the 23 companies participating in a council for the implementation of ammonia as a marine fuel. | 2030,2050 |
Hydrogen | Building a hydrogen value chain | Feb. 2021: ITOCHU ENEX, Air Liquide Japan and ITOCHU Corporation sign a memorandum of understanding on strategic collaboration for construction of a hydrogen value chain. Fiscal 2023: Be involved in the start of construction and operation of hydrogen stations for commercial vehicles and trucks 2030: Enter the hydrogen energy market and the EV market after closing watching these market trends |
2030, 2050 |
LNG | Creating a business to supply liquified natural gas (LNG) for vessels | ITOCHU, KYUSHU ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC., NYK Line, and SAIBUGAS CO., LTD. will establish a joint venture to build and own an LNG distribution vessel and carry out a business selling LNG for vessels in the Kyushu and Setouchi areas. |
Start of supply Apr. 2024 |
Renewable energy | Renewable Energy Business | Promoting solar power generation businesses | Expand the number of renewable energy power generation facilities operated by the Group. | 2030 |
Biomass power generation business | Commencement of the biomass power generation business | Development and start of operation of a biomass power plant . | Short term |
Self-consumption solar power generation business and solar power-based agricultural business (solar power sharing) | Developing a self-consumption solar power generation business and a solar power-based agricultural business (solar power sharing) | [Private consumption type] Promote the popularization of solar power generation by installing solar power generation systems in factories, stores and houses and proactively developing a business of leasing these systems. [Agricultural] Began the verification of a solar power-based agricultural business (solar power sharing) to promote the popularization of renewable energy and the efficient use of unused arable land (fiscal 2021). |
Short term, 2030 |
[Private consumption type] As of the end of Jun. 2024, systems had been introduced to a total of 16 locations. (Enex Fleet Nishinomiya Interchange Car-Life Station, KohnanKohnan Daito, Kohnan Niihama, Watanabe Sato, Kinugasa Transport, ITOCHU INDUSTRIAL GAS Matsuyama Plant, Sanyo's Plant No. 1, Onomichi Kumika Industry, Ichimasa Kamaboko Headquarters Factory No. 2, and ITOCHU ENEX Sodegaura Asphalt Base,IMP Minoh, IMP Kasugai, IMP Kazo, IMP Yoshikawa Minami, Numajiri Sangyo, Kohnan Takamatsu) [Agricultural] Five in operation (FIT) in Anan City, Tokushima Prefecture (as of the end of Jun. 2024) |
Energy Storage Business | Develop a storage battery business | Respond to demand and develop a storage battery business for businesses and homes. | 2030 |
Overseas development of other businesses related to renewable energy | Overseas development of other businesses related to renewable energy | Expand a Thai subsidiary's business leasing solar power generation equipment. | 2030 |
Electric vehicles | Sales | Sales of Nissan electric vehicles that are environmentally friendly zero emissions cars | Promote sales of electric vehicles. | Every year |
Infrastructure development | Increased convenience for electric vehicle users | Increase the stores equipped with electric vehicle chargers and improve services. | Every year |
Electric vehicle sharing service | Developing an electric vehicle sharing service | Launched the TERASEL Car Share community electric-vehicle-based car sharing service in fiscal 2021. Contribute to the decarbonization of communities through a combination of EVs and renewable energy. | 2030 |
Energy solutions for storage batteries / household products | Smart devices | Promote sales of household storage batteries and power generation systems | Promote proposals for the introduction of two electricity generating systems: solar power generation systems and ENE-FARM, which are high-performance products. Promote sales of a home-use lithium ion power storage system that enables to use electric appliances using batteries even in the event of a blackout due to a disaster. | Every year | Sales of smart devices results
LPG (for household and business use) and high-efficiency equipment | Reduction of CO2 emissions through sales of LPG (for household and business use) and high-efficiency equipment |
Every year | LPG high-efficiency equipment sales results
Other environmental businesses | Provision of heat | Contributing to energy conservation by expanding the regional heat supply business | Contribute to the efficient use of energy and town development from the initial development stages to subsequent management in cooperation with customers and communities to contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society. | Every year |
AdBlue | Manufacture and sale of AdBlue, a water and urea solution | Improve the purchasing portfolio and expand delivery centers (SP) to arrange a stable supply system to be ready for quantity increases.
Short term, 2030 |
Support decarbonization management | Stepping up customer support in decarbonization management | Work with business partners supporting the visualization of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for customers to provide support for GHG emissions visualization and energy conservation support as a decarbonization management solution for customers. | Short term |
Reduction of environmental impact within the organization | Energy conservation, transition to green energy at offices and green office activities | Accelerating the transition to green energy and reducing the consumption of electric power, fuels, photocopy paper and water and the amount of waste | [Energy conservation in offices and business facilities] Reduce general electricity consumption, offices' fuel consumption (LPG and fuel oil), and vehicles' fuel usage (reduce the use of gasoline, light fuel oil, autogas, switch to GTL, HVO, electricity and e-fuel). Reduce copier paper, water consumption, and waste output (99% of the previous year's results respectively). [Transition to green energy at offices] Reduce power consumption by installing solar panels at retail stores. Install solar panels at 32 Car-Life Stations run by Enex Fleet and 10 run by Kyushu Energy (by 2030). |
Every year, 2030 |
[FY2023 results for energy savings]
Preventing environmental pollution | Preventing soil/environmental pollution | Prevent soil/environmental pollution. Reduce impact. Reduce drainage discharge and the use of harmful substances and appropriately dispose of harmful substances. | Every year |
Increasing the efficiency of systems and logistics | Reducing CO2 emissions and improving efficiency in the transport process through DX | Give eco-driving training that raises energy-saving awareness and helps fulfill the obligations of specified consignors under the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and reduce CO2 to supply chains (delivery personnel of commissioned truck operators and group companies) once a year, implement automatic meter reading with the use of the low-power wide-area (LPWA) system and streamline deliveries for CO2 reduction. Promote customers' introduction of LPWA for direct sales. Conduct inspections using iPads to enable paperless operations and improve efficiency. | Every year | [Eco-driving training for supply chains]
Coal-fired power plant | Reducing the environmental impact of coal-fired power plants | Utilize non-fossil fuels (mixed fuel firing demonstration experiment under consideration). Change and appropriately operate equipment and other initiatives. | 2030 |
Environmental Management | ISO activities | ISO14001 (environmental management) | Maintain certification. Promote environmental protection and improvement activities. Continue to implement the PDCA cycle at all group companies appropriately using their functional environmental management systems Ensure safe operations through thorough compliance at all offices. | Every year |
Environmental conservation activities | Forest and marine environment, biodiversity conservation activities | [Environmental preservation] Contribute to CO2absorption by contributing to afforestation and environmental conservation.Contribute to CO2 absorption through environmental conservation activities, such as the regeneration of blue carbon ecosystems. Commence initiatives in fiscal 2022. [Biodiversity conservation] Promote the activity of conservation of biodiversity. |
2030, Every year |
[Environmental preservation]
Conservation of regional environments through compliance with security regulations | Reinforcing a security system, strengthening security checks, and improving security knowledge | Fully prevent accidents by standardizing and improving security management systems in accordance with non-statutory security standards in addition to legally mandated inspections. Carry out training activities and improve awareness. Promote the ubiquitization of computerized documents for security inspections and audits. | Every year |
2.Access to Energy
Risks Loss of customer base due to worsened relationships with the local community Instability of business due to insufficient energy procurement and other issuesOpportunities Expansion of business supported by the trust of the local community and the entire supply chain Creation of an environment that enables customers to choose from a diverse range of energy options, including alternative energy Entry into regions where access to energy is yet to be established Retainment and acquisition of customers by strengthening a disaster-resilient supply structure, and other initiatives Earning the trust of customers and the creation of new business through the stable supply of environmentally friendly resources and materials, and other initiatives - SDGs Target
* The action plan items for key issues were revised in fiscal 2023.
Sector | Commodity/business | Initiative | Target | Target Year | FY2023 Progress and Review |
Relationships with local communities | Disaster prevention efforts and BCP measures | Maintaining infrastructure at times of disasters and enhancing the Group's BCP system | [Maintaining infrastructure in times of disaster]
Every year | [Maintaining infrastructure in times of disaster]
Natural disaster preparedness measures in collaboration with other companies | Collaboration for the construction of disaster-resilient communications networks | Construct a system that continuously supplies LPG to cellular base stations to be prepared for power outages in collaboration with SoftBank Corp. Supply gas to more facilities through this network in the future. | Every year |
Comprehensive partnerships with communities | Comprehensive partnerships with diverse forms that contribute to community development | Strengthen comprehensive partnerships contributing to community development and disaster prevention through the energy, services, and products provided by the group. | Every year |
Access to energy | Stable supply of energy and services | Stable supply of petroleum products, LPG, electricity and related services | Contribute to people's rich lives by maintaining stable supply in times of disaster and normal times. | Every year |
Car life station | Supporting the opening and operation of car life stations in sparsely populated areas | Help correct gaps convenience among regions by supporting the opening and operation of car life stations in sparsely populated areas. | As appropriate |
Note: ITOCHU ENEX will provide launch support if there are needs in other regions. |
Enriching car life services and spreading multi-fuel stations | [Enhancing car life services]
Short term,2030,2050 | [Enriching car life services]
3.Utilization of human resources
Risks Lower labor productivity, human capital flight, loss of business opportunities, higher wellness costs, impaired corporate image, and other risks resulting from a failure to appropriately respondOpportunities Increased labor productivity, better health, higher motivation, bettered communications, retention of talent, creation of a platform for corporate growth and innovation due to to the increase ability to respond to change and business opportunities and other factors resulting from the establishment of working environments where workers can have job satisfaction - SDGs Target
* The action plan items for key issues were revised in fiscal 2023.
Sector | Classification | Initiative | Target | Target Year | FY2023 Progress and Review |
Diversity and inclusion | Diversity in the workforce | Active roles for diverse human resources |
Every year |
Increase the ratio of female managers and supervisors
Establishment of systems and internal environments | Establish systems and internal environments | Incorporate work styles according to specific life plans, and develop personnel systems and the internal environment | Every year |
Utilizing the work-family life balance support system |
Every year | [Diverse working styles (actual at ITOCHU ENEX for fiscal 2023)]
Utilizing the re-employment system | Re-employ employees who have left the company due to relocation due to their spouse's employment. Support people returning to work at events. | Every year |
Health and safety | Workstyle reforms | Promoting ENEX EARLY BIRD (workstyle reform) | Make Itochu Enex a better company and a rewarding place to work for each employee, and a company that they are able to boast about to their families and society. Change from work styles focused on working overtime at night to working overtime in the morning. Set an end time of 10:00 p.m. for dining/drinking parties with customers/other employees. Ensure that at least 80% of employees have a BMI lower than 25. Ensure that at least 80% of employees don't smoke. Ensure that at least 80% of employees have a paid vacation. Improve the quality of communications by two grades. Improve the quality of meetings and conferences by two grades. Improve the quality of materials and documents by two grades. Ensure that management and guidance is in place for appropriate overtime hours. | Every year | [Fiscal 2023 results]
Health and productivity management | Promoting Health Management | Ensure that 100% of employees have regular health check-ups. Ensure that 100% of applicable employees undergo detailed examinations. Ensure that 90% or more of employees have a systolic blood pressure less than 130 mmHg, and a diastolic blood pressure less than 85 mmHg. Ensure that 80% or more of employees have a triglyceride level lower than 150 mg/dL, and an HDL cholesterol level of 40 mg/dl or more. Ensure that 80% or more of employees achieve GOT and GPT levels that are 40 or lower and γ-GPT of 80 (men) or 70 (women) or lower. |
Every year |
Occupational safety and health | Harassment Prevention | Revise the harassment guidelines. Ensure all employees are familiar with the guidelines and follow them. Hold harassment training regularly.Regularly provide opportunities to collect complaints and comments about problems using GEPPO to reduce harassment incidents. | Every year |
Pursue continual improvement in occupational safety and health | Lost time injury frequency rate: 0 | Every year |
Organizational culture | Enable the organizational culture to take root in the company | Providing cross-functional training | A cross-functional team comprises members in different positions from different companies and departments and with different experience and skills. Its missions are to discuss cross-departmental issues and to propose solutions.Hold training that encourages employees at large to learn about businesses and people and think about the future of the company. | Every year |
Implementation of employee satisfaction surveys | Enabling an organizational culture to take root and improving overall satisfaction | Once every couple years |
Human resources development | Establishment of systems and internal environments | Fostering multi-human resources who are active in Japan and overseas, fostering diverse values, and developing and expanding in-house training systems | Cultivate multi-talented human resources who will flourish in Japan and overseas (overseas on-the-job training). Foster diverse value (innovate through cross-functional training). | Short term |
Support for self-development and employee education | Offering opportunities for training and enriching support for self-development |
Every year | [Support for self-development and skill development]
Social Contribution Activities | Planning and engaging in social contribution activities | Continue to implement an array of social contribution activities to hand a sustainable society to future generations, themed on the environment, human resources and community development for the future. | Every year |
4.Corporate Governance
Risks Risk of business discontinuity accompanied by the dysfunction of corporate governance and internal control, unexpected losses/costs, and other risksOpportunities Increased decision-making transparency through the establishment of a robust governance system, increased corporate value due to appropriate responses to change and the establishment of a foundation for stable growth, and other opportunities - SDGs Target
* The action plan items for key issues were revised in fiscal 2023.
Sector | Commodity/business | Initiative | Target | Target Year | FY2023 Progress and Review |
Corporate Governance | — | Strengthening the functionality of Board of Directors | Increase disclosure of the board's supervisory/monitoring functions. Enhance open-minded strategic discussions. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, analyze results, and make improvements.
Every year |
Increasing stakeholder engagement | Improve transparency and increase stakeholder engagement by reinforcing and enhancing many types of disclosure. | Every year |
Operating committees appropriately | Ensure the appropriate operation and effective functioning of committees. | Every year |
Strengthen compliance | Ensure the people responsible for, in charge of, or performing practical group compliance work of group understand their role and increase their ability to respond to events. Continue compliance training for all employees. Investigate potentially illegal situations. Train employees on important laws and regulations. Establish a whistleblowing system and ensure that the contact points for the internal and external whistleblowing systems are widely known under the revised Whistleblower Protection Act. Conduct awareness surveys periodically, analyze results, and make improvements. |
Every year |
Strengthening information security | Analyze the current status of information risks within the group companies and implement reliable measures. | Every year |
Enhanced Group Governance | Continue to enhance group governance through reviews of the system. | Every year |
Enhancing risk management | Reduce risk by strengthening the risk management structure and steadily implementing risk management processes and controlling risk. | Every year |
Enabling the group's values to take root within the group | Share the Corporate Philosophy, the group's action declaration, code of conduct, sustainability policy and other policies. Develop employee awareness of them and ensure they are implemented. | Every year |